Galletti's world, more than 100 years of history


More than 100 years of experience

1906 marked the beginning of Galletti. The founder was Ugo Galletti, who, guided by intuition, opened a small artisan workshop specialised in ironwork and the repair of farm tools and tractors in Castel Maggiore, on the outskirts of Bologna.

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Who we are today

We are a family business, of people, international leader in HVAC, we are focused on excellence for our customers... Through a new Open Innovation approach, we develop «Advanced Design» solutions for the tertiary and residential sectors. That’s why we can offer technology, design, advanced services and high customization always aiming for excellence for our customers.

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Vertical process

Sheet metal working has always been in Galletti's know-how.

After years of experience in this sector, the company committed itself to creating something unique that could become the heart of innovation and development of production processes:
the automated sheet metal working center.

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R&D and Design


R&D and Design

The R&D department works in close collaboration with the production area and the quality control department, to guarantee a product studied in detail and in line with the high standards that Galletti sets itself.


Hydronic terminals, chillers and total recovery, air-to-water and water-to-water heat pumps and regulation and control systems combining technology, design and maximum reliability.

Galletti Group

The Galletti Group

Each company has a clearly defined identity, with specific skills for the Group to rely on as a one-stop partner in the HRVAC industry

11 Plants

650 People

125 million in revenue

Tecno Refrigeration
GH Service


Galletti Group, a great team at your service!

Galletti Group, a great team at your service!

Galletti Group introduces itself at the ExpoComfort 2014 exhibition, the biggest event in Italy for the HRVAC companies. Seven companies under one brand, integrated solutions for high efficiency.


Eurovent, UNI EN ISO, Kiwa, PED, : the numerous certifications obtained by Galletti begins in 1994. We present them to you in detail.

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Download Galletti’s company profile

to discover the company’s wide range of products and many strengths

Galletti Company Profile